Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sautéed Beef with Rosemary and Garlic in White Wine

I mentioned before that I have a subscription to Gourmet magazine this year. My first issue was the the January issue which had an Italian theme. Bummer. I'm not a big Italian fan, especially pasta. My taste preferences are Mexican and Latin (any), German, Eastern Europe (any), Asian (any). Probably in that order. I am learning an appreciation for French cuisine from my trips to Canada. Italian is probably my least favorite which often makes me a less than desirable dinner companian as it is a popular cusine for dining out with friends or at friends' homes.

I found this recipe for sauteed strips of steak in my magazine, non-pasta, could even be non-Italian. Not quite stir fry but almost. I had to use dried rosemary and it might have been a little too powerful. As you can see in the picture from Gourmet, this dish is simply served on the plate with a side of pasta. I think the beef would have been better on a bed of rice or egg noodles. I had intended to make that same pasta dish as pictured but I didn't have any parmesan or romano cheese.

Here is my version of the recipe. Regardless of what Dianne Jacobs says in Will Write for Food, I think my style of writing is superior, if I do say so myself (the Gourmet version is considered "correct").

My February issue rocks. Toom nay great looking recipes. Where to start?


Brook said...

Looks good. I don't often cook cuts of beef and ground only occasionally. Ribeyes and london broils being the exceptions. I think I got freaked by the mad cow thing and got out of the practice. Reads like the leftovers would make an interesting strogonoff just by adding sourcream. And I planted an herb garden last summer and the sage, thyme, and rosemary are still going strong. And I even had flat leaf parsley until two snows ago!

Huff Daddy said...

I probably should have taken more interest in the mad cow thing but I didn't. I rationalized if the damage is done its done, nothing I can do about it. Carpe diem.

Actually I have fresh basil, parsley, mint, chives indoors and a huge patch of thyme outdoors that has gone wild. But like I said, not a big fan of Italian so most of them go untouched. I did start picking and freezing the parsley and basil and that has work amazingly well.