Saturday, November 29, 2008

Corn Bread Dressing by Demand

Here is Ed's recipe for Corn Bread Dressing. My wife's family has this every Thanksgiving and Dinah likes to have it a few more times during the year. When Dinah makes it we just use Heinz's brown gravy. The dressing is pretty good with gravy, I think it needs it, but I'd still rather have stuffing.

I wish I had known Ed longer. I only got to meet him a few times early on when Dinah and I were dating. He was our best man at out wedding. Shortly afterwards Ed fell at home and had to go to the hospital. On check in they found he had bone cancer and it had spread through most of his body, unbeknownst to him. He died in just a few days.

This is his recipe as Ed wrote it, I just reformatted it and adjusted some measurements to what is common at the grocery.


1 comment:

Brook said...

I am glad to see no additional sugar in your cornbread recipe, it's bread, not cake for pete's sake! Of course I use butter that I melt in the skillet while preheating the oven. Since I use the little one the butter doesn't burn. Now I am thinking I'll try it with bacon grease instead and see if I get the flavor of cracklin bread without the cracklin's. OH YEAH! I like stuffing better too!